The Score

Performance Program—Sat 7 Oct
Curator Jacqueline Doughty

The Score is an exhibition taking performance scores as a starting point to consider the ways art leaps from the sonic to the visual to the kinaesthetic and back again.

A meditation on that intangible moment of translation between two completely different forms, The Score will span three floors of the Ian Potter Museum of Art, and will feature international and Australian artists from the early 20th century to today alongside examples of dance and music notation.

A special Festival-commissioned performance program will accompany the exhibition on Sat 7, Sat 14 and Sat 21 October.

Artists: Pia Borg, John Cage, David Chesworth & Sonia Leber, Roy de Maistre, Fayen d’Evie, Marco Fusinato, Charles Gaines, Michaela Gleave, Agatha Gothe-Snape, Nathan Gray, Helen Grogan, Ludwig Hirschfeld Mack, Yuki Kihara, Shelley Lasica, Dylan Martorell, Angelica Mesiti, John Nixon, Sandra Parker, Mia Salsjö, Charlie Sofo, Sriwhana Spong, Christine Sun Kim & Thomas Mader and Danae Valenza.

Saturday 7 October Performance Program

Sandra Parker

A performance exploring human movement, kinetic sculpture and live documentation.

Story, as told
Shelly Lasica and Fayen d'Evie

Working with ideas of describing or mapping the exhibition room, Lasica and d'Evie will develop a performance that allows trasensory modes of story-telling.

Exhibition as score
VCA dance students

Short dance works that use the gallery spaces and artworks as prompts for performance. The works will take place throughout the gallery, with dancers and viewers shifting from gallery to gallery as the event progresses.

Presented with Ian Potter Museum of Art
  • Melbourne Festival's free program proudly supported by
  • With support from

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body; Naomi Milgrom AO; and the Consulate General of the United States, Melbourne.

PHOTO | Sandra Parker and Rhian Hinkley
Automaton 2017 (cropped)
Performer: Sandra Parker
Photography Jodie Hutchinson
