All The Sex I've Ever Had

Mammalian Diving Reflex, Darren O’Donnell

Thu 12—Sun 15 Oct

Arts Centre Melbourne


A gripping, raw, heartbreaking and funny verbal tapestry.

You'll understand it when you're older.

Every generation thinks it invented sex, but your grandparents probably have stories that would set your jaw to dropping.

Last year we worked with Canada's Mammalian Diving Reflex, Arts Centre Melbourne’s Participation team and communities to let scissor-wielding schoolkids play barber to brave Festival-goers. This time around it's seniors in the hot seat as real over-65s drawn from Melbourne's community take to the stage to reveal the high drama and low humour of a long life between the sheets.

From firsts to lasts, life-changing lovers to forgettable duds, the collective roster of intimacy imparted here amounts to a sexual history of Melbourne as told by those who put in the hard yards.

In a culture that reserves sex for the young, this is a taboo-busting work making public the privates that rarely get their moment in the sun. More than a mere exercise in titillation, it cuts to the heart of the human need to connect, whatever our age may be.

Learn more about the show before you go. Browse the house program →

Darren O'Donnell
Co-Director/Environment Designer
Alice Fleming
Associate Producer
Tina Fance
Technical Manager
Paul Lim
Sound Designer/MC
Moses Carr
Casting Consultant
Bec Reid
  • Presented with
  • With support from
  • Media Partner

This presentation of All the Sex I've Ever Had has been made possible in part by grants from the Canada Council for the Arts Theatre International Program and the Ontario Arts Council's National and International Touring program.

PHOTO | Lucia Eggenhoffer
