Theatre maker Halory Goerger—co-director of Germinalwill present a two-day masterclass for professional artists.

From Halory:

Theaters have been built. Stages have been conceived. We have grids. Lighting devices. Drapes. Big weird cables. Computer controlled tools that are used once a year. Sound equipment that nobody knows of, until you ask about it. Prosceniums about which you sometimes think "why the hell did they put that here", but sometimes use with delight. Seating capacity that can be reduced by half if your scenography has been poorly conceived. Volumes that look good on a screen, but not on stage. Security rules worse than NASA’s. Personnel that has tremendous experience, but won’t share it with you. If you don’t ask. Venues which know how to make the « general audience » come to see you. Venues which don’t. Audience expectations. Hours.

Ticketing. Prices. Using microphones or not. Building a set or not. Computers on stage or offstage. Tech people on stage or offstage. These spaces have rules. Let’s study them, love them, bend them, break them. What can we do with the theater space nowadays ? Why is it such a great tool, and what are the dangers when we don’t know how to use it? How can it be misused in a great way?

Sat 21 & Sun 22 October
Creative Spaces Guild, Studio 6
152 Sturt Street, Southbank

Cost $40 per participant. Two positions will be funded by Melbourne Festival—check the box when you apply to be considered.

Applications have now closed.

Halory Goerger

Director, actor, and artistic director of his company, Bravo Zoulou. Halory creates shows and installations instead of building houses or repairing animals because it’s better like that for everyone. He works on the history of ideas, because everything else was already taken by the time he came along. In most his undertakings, total destitution flirts with formal rigour, and a concern for getting out alive.

Download Halory's CV →

PHOTO | Germinal, by Bea Borgers